ASP.NET Hosting Tutorials

Cheap ASP.NET 4.5 Hosting

ASP.NET 4.5 is the latest and the most improved .NET Framework released by Microsoft. Already many Windows hosting provides offer ASP.NET 4.5 hosting plans which is perfect for .NET developers.

We talk about cheap ASP.NET 4.5 hosting when the price is lower (20-50%) than the regular .NET hosting cost. You will ask how this could be possible and if …

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How to host 32-bit ASP.NET applications on 64-bit Windows

To enable IIS 6.0 to run 32-bit ASP.NET applications on 64-bit Windows you should make the following:

1. Open a command prompt and navigate to the %systemdrive%\Inetpub\AdminScripts directory.

2. Type the following command:

cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 true

3. Press ENTER.

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How to change ASP.NET version in IIS 7

1. Clich on Start Menu, Control Panel, Administrative Tools, Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.
2. Click on Application Pools, and locate the application pool for your web site.
3. Right click on the application pool and click on Basic Settings.
4. Change the ASP.NET version from the drop down menu under .NET Framework Version.

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How to set ASP.NET hosting trust level

Trust levels for ASP.NET applications are defined using policy files. The trust levels are Full (default ASP.NET trust level), High, Medium, Low, and Minimal. The Full is equivalent to having full trust in the local computer. To map the full trust level to a policy file you should write the following code into the web.config file:

<trustLevel name=”Full” policyFile=”internal”/>

Most …

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How to set Meta Tags in ASP.NET 4.0

To set the Meta Tags in ASP.NET 4 you should use the MetaKeywords and MetaDescription properties which are members of the Page class.

You can set these properties at run time, so you get the content from a database or other source, and which lets you set the tags dynamically.

You can also set the Keywords and Description properties in …

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How to move ASP.NET 4 hosting account

To move your ASP.NET 4 website to new hosting account you should follow the next steps:

Create new ASP.NET hosting account on the new server.
Backup your ASP.NET 4 projects – all files, databases etc…
Deploy your project to the new Windows server.
Test to check if everything is OK.
Change your DNS records and point your domain name to the new Windows …

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How to find the best ASP.NET Hosting provider

Next, you will find some of the most important tips when you are looking for the best ASP.NET Hosting provider.

Once you have created your ASP.NET website, you will need to select a commercial Windows Hosting Provider. There are many ASP.NET hosting companies that offer different types of ASP.NET Web hosting services and technologies, but essential for the Customer …

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Free ASP.NET Hosting Service

Free ASP.NET hosting service is free, (sometimes) advertisement-supported web hosting, and is often limited when compared to paid hosting.

Some companies provide free ASP.NET hosting for some period, so the user could test their services.

You could also receive free ASP.NET hosting for some period if you prepay for the hosting services. By example if you pay for 1 or 2 …

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ASP.NET Hosting Control Panel

You could use a ASP.NET Hosting Control Panel for managing the Windows Web server and installing scripts as well as other services like e-mail.

The most popular ASP.NET hosting control panel is Plesk.

With Plesk you could easily mange your ASP.NET sites via GUI. You could create, delete and upload .NET web site, add emails, SQL databases, ad website …

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ASP.NET 4.0 Hosting Service

ASP.NET 4 Hosting Benefits

Visual Studio 2010 and .NET Framework 4 are the last generation developer tools from Microsoft.

ASP.NET 4 introduces a number of features that improve core ASP.NET services such as output caching and session-state storage.
jQuery Included with Web Forms and MVC.
Web Forms has been a core feature in ASP.NET since the release of ASP.NET 1.0. Many enhancements …

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