ASP.NET 4.5 is the latest and the most improved .NET Framework released by Microsoft. Already many Windows hosting provides offer ASP.NET 4.5 hosting plans which is perfect for .NET developers.

We talk about cheap ASP.NET 4.5 hosting when the price is lower (20-50%) than the regular .NET hosting cost. You will ask how this could be possible and if the hosting provider is quality. The answer will depend on many factors as:

1. What is the hosting period? Some companies make huge price discounts if you buy and prepay longer web hosting plans, by example from 1 to 2 Years. If this is the case then it could be alright because they will use the money for this period which will compensate the discount.

2. What is the hosting plan? You cloud find lower price if the hosting plans are limited and provide only basic features. In this case if you would like to use more features then you should buy add-ons. By example some of the most popular ASP.NET 4.5 hosting add-on is SQL Server support, and the price for it could be the same or bigger than the hosting plan price.

3. Is it some kind of promotion. By example you could by plan with 50% discount for the first 6 months, and after this period the price will become regular.

Hope this article answers most of your questions, and do not worry if you find better price, just make sure if the web hosting provider offer money back guarantee, so you could first test for a while their services.